Physical Therapy for Herniated Disc: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover how physical therapy can alleviate herniated disc symptoms, reduce pain, and improve function in this comprehensive guide. Find a licensed physical therapist near you.

4/24/20233 min read

Physical Therapy For Herniated Disc
Physical Therapy For Herniated Disc

If you're suffering from a herniated disc, you know how debilitating it can be. Herniated discs can cause intense pain, numbness, and weakness in your back and extremities, making even simple tasks like walking or sitting difficult. Fortunately, physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for herniated discs. In this article, we'll explore how physical therapy can help relieve herniated disc symptoms and improve your quality of life.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Before we delve into physical therapy for herniated discs, let's first understand what a herniated disc is. A herniated disc occurs when the soft, jelly-like center of a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in the outer, tougher layer of the disc. This can put pressure on nearby nerves, causing pain, numbness, and weakness in the back and extremities.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Herniated Discs

Physical therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that can help alleviate herniated disc symptoms and improve overall function. Here are some of the benefits of physical therapy for herniated discs:

Pain Reduction

Physical therapy can help reduce pain by utilizing various techniques such as hot and cold therapy, massage, and therapeutic exercises.

Improved Mobility and Function

Physical therapy can help improve mobility and function by targeting the muscles and joints surrounding the herniated disc. By strengthening and stretching these areas, physical therapy can help reduce pain and improve range of motion.

Avoidance of Surgery

In many cases, physical therapy can help alleviate herniated disc symptoms without the need for surgery. This can save patients from undergoing invasive procedures and lengthy recovery periods.

Common Physical Therapy Techniques for Herniated Discs

Physical therapy for herniated discs can involve a variety of techniques depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's individual needs. Here are some of the most common physical therapy techniques used to treat herniated discs:

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy involves hands-on techniques such as massage, stretching, and joint mobilization. These techniques can help reduce pain and improve mobility by targeting specific areas of the body.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise involves specific exercises designed to strengthen and stretch the muscles and joints surrounding the herniated disc. This can help reduce pain and improve range of motion.

Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy involves the application of heat or cold to the affected area. This can help reduce pain and inflammation, as well as improve circulation.

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation involves the use of a small device that delivers electrical impulses to the affected area. This can help reduce pain and improve muscle function.

What to Expect During Physical Therapy for Herniated Discs

If you're considering physical therapy for your herniated disc, you may be wondering what to expect during your sessions. Here are some things you can expect during physical therapy for herniated discs:


Your physical therapist will evaluate your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs.

Treatment Sessions

During your treatment sessions, you will work with your physical therapist to perform various exercises and techniques designed to reduce pain and improve function.

Progress Tracking

Your physical therapist will track your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure you're getting the most benefit from your therapy.


Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for herniated discs, providing pain relief and improved function without the need for invasive procedures. If you're suffering from a herniated disc, consider seeking the help of a licensed physical therapist to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs.


Q) Can physical therapy cure a herniated disc?

While physical therapy cannot cure a herniated disc, it can help alleviate symptoms and improve function.

Q) Is physical therapy painful for herniated discs?

Physical therapy may cause some discomfort during certain exercises, but your physical therapist will work with you to ensure that your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

Q) How long does physical therapy take for herniated discs?

The length of physical therapy for herniated discs varies depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's individual needs. Some patients may require only a few weeks of therapy, while others may require several months.

Q) Can physical therapy prevent the need for surgery for herniated discs?

In many cases, physical therapy can help alleviate herniated disc symptoms without the need for surgery. However, there may be cases where surgery is necessary.

Q) How can I find a licensed physical therapist for herniated disc treatment?

You can find a licensed physical therapist for herniated disc treatment by asking for a referral from your doctor or by searching online for licensed physical therapists in your area.